Ups and downs
What a roller coaster the last half hour has been! Australia tied 2 all with Croatia in the Soccer World Cup which means we go onto the second round. We play Italy next. This a fantastic result given soccer in this country is just getting on its feet after years of division and lack of focus.
But then I came back to my computer to browse my favourite blogs to find Magdelena over at Myths and Metawhores has been vandalised. What bastards there are in the world! Lena is a sex blogger with a strong spiritual bent and I loved her lyrical posts on life. She says she'll be back and I hope she will. Many hugs to you Lena.
Kathleen Bradean also reports on some nasty blogger behavior at her site. I had a blogger lift something from me once and it was almost impossible to get Blogger to do anything about it. In the end I think the blogger in question decided to take off my and a few other writers work from his/her site without any intervention from Blogger.
But on another up, check out the contents and contributors to CREAM which will be out in August. My story is first cab off the rank! It's such a thrill.