Feeling lazy..
... so can't think of much to say. But you could go and look at some beautiful art pictures of nude people here.
This is an example by Georgio Stashov.
erotica for the body, mind and soul
... so can't think of much to say. But you could go and look at some beautiful art pictures of nude people here.
It's mine today along with the Queen (who turns 80), Charlotte Bronte, Iggy Pop, Anthony Quinn, Andie McDowell and Robert Smith, the lead singer from The Cure.
I hate, hate, hate them. It's like being back at school again. I'll be doing that for the next few days.
Ok so I should be writing. But it's Easter and I'm not going to work for four days so I feel like playing. So I'm tinkering with fonts and colours.
Sarah Weinman has a post about Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi's legal troubles in Italy. You can read all about it here. They were collaborating on a book about an Italian serial killer and ran into trouble with the Italian authorities because they suggested a great deal of bungling went on in the investigation. Preston was arrested and now Spezi is in custody.
On Friday there was an article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the reading patterns of men and women. No surprise that women read books about relationship (Austen, the Bronte sisters, etc) while men, if they read fiction at all, read authors full of existential angst (Camus, Salinger etc). Sure, it’s a gross generalisation but on the whole, it’s probably true. The writer made the point that all the major writing awards like the Booker are run by men while the main readership is women. It was ever thus.
I've got a new story up call Angel at ERWA. I've also got a flasher which is a bit of fun (scroll down).
I guess I learned early on that the pleasure of reading, viewing and listening can be experienced in so many different ways and fulfill so many different needs. And I was lucky that, on the whole, my family wasn't bigoted and anti-intellectual. I was bought up a Catholic and had a standard Catholic education, but it wasn't too rigid. While as a family we had lots of problems, at least we weren't discouraged from thinking and talking.
So I'm happy to read and write as the mood takes me. Sometimes it's about paedophiles and sometimes it's about aristocratic Lords. A nice, good balance.