14 March 2006

Internet all fixed!

Finally! So now I feel like I've really moved. I'm all set up properly and feel like I'm connected to the world again. You'd think not being able to check my mail in the morning would free up some time for writing but not as much as I wanted. I have been reading a lot though, which somehow I needed to do. This morning was the first time I did some serious writing and if felt great.

Good news as well. My story "Laying Down the Law" has been accepted into an anthology of the best of writing from ERWA called CREAM. And I'll get paid! My first time in print and my first payment for my writing. A red letter day. Not sure when it's out but I won't fail to post the date here. I'll also have a 100 word flasher published called "Domestic Bliss."

And another story called "Angel" will appear in the Story Gallery at ERWA from 1 April. So all these bits of good news makes me think maybe I can write after all.

I'm sure all newish writers are told to write everyday, but sometimes I feel paralysed about this because my wip or my short story has come to a halt. Then I feel guilty because I'm not writing. But I read someone (can't remember who) the other day who said just write anything. Letters, journal entries, anything that makes you think and create. That seems to work for me. When I feel stuck on a story or a longer piece, I write about nothing much and something emerges. It's a good piece of advice to remember.


At 16 March 2006 at 5:37 am , Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

Wow that's so cool! Congrats on selling. I hope you're celebrating, and good luck with you're writing.

At 16 March 2006 at 7:17 am , Blogger Keziah Hill said...

Thanks Shelli.

At 16 March 2006 at 12:42 pm , Blogger Silma said...

Hey! Congrats on getting your stories out there! *g* Keep on writing!


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