18 December 2006

So far the festive season leaves a lot to be desired

I'm racing to finish a whole lot of work at my paid work, I have developed a horrible cold, I'm co-ordinating two writing comps for RWAustralia and my mother is in hospital. On the other hand, I now have to rest which means lots of reading, and I went to a party on Friday night and caught up with some friends I haven't seen in a long time. If I can just get over this cold and it doesn't develop into anything worse, I'll breeze into the holidays between Christmas and New Year and can spend some time with my Mum.

Writing is in fits and starts and for the first time in a long time my inability to get to the computer has to do with lack of time not lack of motivation.

I'm reading The Best of Best of Womens' Erotica edited by Marcy Sheiner and enjoying it immensely. I've also recently finished Carol Sheild's Unless which is a great novel about women and marginalisation. That sounds terribly earnest, but it's not like that at all.

Now I'm going to do some comfort reading and laze on the couch with Linda Howard.


At 24 December 2006 at 11:00 am , Blogger Two Voices Publishing said...

Best wishes, Keziah! I hope your cold has gotten better.


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